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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.


    Clip Description

    Starring: Belle Fatale w/ Hitman Rex

    Belle is a thief, a very good one in fact who has been stealing everything from cosmetics, to pharmaceuticals, cigarettes to illicit drugs, and sold them on the black market. In the last few years she has upgraded her spoils to jewels, usually uncut diamonds, ruby's and or sapphires. When she made the jump to higher end booty, she had to have a boss to sell them. She started working with Chris a couple years ago and they have done well, heisting jewels and selling them to the mafia for a huge profit. She had agreed to meet Chris on Monday per usual and turn over her latest grab, over 50 uncut, Antwerp diamonds anywhere from .5 to 3 carats, possibly yielding several million in revenue for her and the boss to split. Unfortunately the buyer wanted a rush on the product so Chris sent a courier to pick up the loot a couple days early. Belle doesn't like things to change so when Chris calls her as she is heading out to the beach, she starts to get nervous, because of the change of plans. She pleads with him to wait till Monday and stick to the plan, but he likes to unload the stolen goods as soon as possible and today the mob wants the diamonds. Chris trusts his mafia comrades to send their own courier, who when he arrives is cool and calm, seeing that belle is nervous and shaky he sees the perfect opportunity to get some extra. She tells him to wait by the door as she goes to her secret stash, and heads to the kitchen, and he waits by the door, immediately assembling his silenced pistol. After screwing the suppressor to his 9mm pistol he slowly moves towards the kitchen where he clears his throat to let her know he is there watching. He keeps the gun hidden behind his back and when she turns to him she starts in on how he is invading her privacy. When he shows the gun she starts to back peddle and act nervous, so he seizes the opportunity telling her it is nothing personal and starts to hint that maybe she is fencing a few stones from the lot. She keeps pleading and begging him not to shoot her, and after growing tired of her yapping, puts the silencer in her mouth. She freezes and quiets down but as he lowers the gun he cocks and lets one fly right in her belly button, knocking her to the floor. She is in agony, clutching her belly as blood comes out through the material of her shirt. She backpedals a bit more pleading with him to count the stones and call her an ambulance. He knows he can come up in a big way if he just finishes her off. She begs trying to avert the gun from her body but he just fires into her heart, knocking her back even further against the door. Her shirt soaks with blood as it trickles out from the heart wound. She gasps and dies almost immediately, with a few twitches and jerks her eyes go wide, then still as she dies from the heart shot. He sets his gun down and opens the black pouch containing the diamonds. He counts them as he calls Chris, telling him how she tried to double cross them by fencing a dozen stones or more. As he tells this to Chris, he is putting that many in his pocket, then replaces the others in the cloth, and into the pouch. He agrees he will look around on her person, and in the house for the ones she stole from the lot, but instead he kneels down and cuts off her shirt, revealing the wounds to her belly button and breast. He then cuts her panties open and spreads her pussy to make it appear he checked her for the missing stones. He then exits asking for a cleaning crew and the sexy diamond thief on her day off, lays on the floor dead, wide eyed and a couple of bullet holes in her. Her beautiful body is panned and viewed from all angles showing the wounds close up, and full body shots. What a waste of a great thief, who was one of the only honest, trusted, jewel thieves in the US, only to be double crossed by a mafia hit man. She should have noticed one thing. A courier never wears expensive shoes. Only a hit man wears expensive shoes to work in this line of business.

    Great dialogue and reaction from Belle, who you already know is one of the best all time actors in this genre. Silenced Belly and breast shots, great dying, and death stare. This is one to add to the collection. CB

    Clip Duration:      13 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv241.82 MB

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